Business Guide

MARUHAN Investment Asia Pte. Ltd. (MIA) was established in 2012 in Singapore as a financial holding company. With a unique financial conglomerate framework, MIA’s subsidiaries have developed banking and microfinance businesses in Southeast Asia.
By providing banking services, facilitating investment from Japan and other countries, as well as introducing advanced digitalization and financial technology, MIA will improve people’s lives and jobs, and contribute to the sustainable growth of economies in Southeast Asia.

SATHAPANA Bank Plc. (as of 31st December 2023)

  • Commercial bank in the Kingdom of Cambodia.
  • Paid-up capital USD280 million (100%).
  • Total assets USD2,762 million.
  • 175 branches and 416 ATMs nationwide.
  • 4,608 staff.
  • Representative Office in Yangon, the Republic of the Union of Myanmar.

MARUHAN Japan Bank Plc. was established in May 2008 as the first Japanese-owned commercial bank in the Kingdom of Cambodia, aiming to contribute to the development and growth of Cambodia through providing various kinds of banking services and investment from Japan. In December 2012, MARUHAN Japan Bank Plc. acquired SATHAPANA Limited, a leading microfinance institution in Cambodia. In April 2016, MARUHAN Japan Bank Plc. and SATHAPANA Limited were merged, and SATHAPANA Bank Plc. was born. Today, SATHAPANA Bank Plc. is one of the leading commercial banks in Cambodia with a network of 175 branches nationwide.

MARUHAN Japan Bank Lao Co., Ltd. (as of 31st December 2023)

  • Commercial bank in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic.
  • Paid-up capital LAK501,500 million (equivalent USD25 million) (90%).
  • Total assets LAK2,486,000 million (equivalent USD121 million).
  • 1 Head Office, 2 service units and 302 Agency banking nationwide.
  • 145 staff.

MARUHAN Japan Bank Lao Co., Ltd. was established in February 2013 as the first Japanese-owned commercial bank in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, aiming to contribute to the development and growth of Laos through providing various banking services and investment from Japan. Today, MARUHAN Japan Bank Lao Co., Ltd. is one of the leaders in retail automobile financing and also strengthening SME loan, with a network of one head office, 2 branches and 302 agency banking nationwide.

SATHAPANA Limited (as of 31st March 2024)

  • Microfinance institution in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar.
  • Paid-up capital MMK32,776 million (equivalent USD16 million) (99.99%).
  • Total assets MMK291,600 million (equivalent USD139 million).
  • 1 Head Office, 59 branches nationwide.
  • 1,582 staff.

SATHAPANA Limited was established in August 2015 as the first Japanese-owned microfinance institution to offer a full range of micro financial products and services to the grass roots of the people in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar. Initially starting with 4 branches in the Yangon, Bago, Mandalay and Ayeyarwady regions, today SATHAPANA Limited has 60 branches nationwide, and has grown as the most largest microfinance institution in Myanmar.